Summer is wedding month
So happy to celebrate with Diego and Cristina! Jenaya also arrived as a short-term assistant just in time for the wedding.
So happy to celebrate with Diego and Cristina! Jenaya also arrived as a short-term assistant just in time for the wedding.
For Mother’s Day the Paz de Dios men made breakfast for the mothers. We had buns, bananas, fresh milk, and mote pio. Mote pio is hominy cooked with scrambled eggs.
jpillman / Blog, Prayer Letters /
Dear family and friends, Happy Spring time to each of you! “Where you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow.” From The Secret Garden May we each be tending within our hearts the rose of our relationship with Christ with great diligence and care. In such an environment, the thistles of sin […]
We have a team visiting from the AFLC Bible School this week. Here are some pictures from today.
Here is a video of what the first part of the service was like this Easter. Jesus is risen!